Daily life at boarding school in Thailand

Daily life at a boarding school in Thailand can vary depending on the specific school and its policies. However, here are some general aspects that you might expect to find in a typical boarding school in Thailand



Boarding schools in Thailand usually follow a structured daily routine. Students have a fixed schedule that includes waking up, attending classes, meals, study time, extracurricular activities, and bedtime. This routine helps provide a sense of discipline and order.



Students live on campus in dormitories or residential halls. Rooms are typically shared with one or more roommates of the same gender. Students are responsible for keeping their living spaces clean and organized.


Academic Focus

Education is the primary focus of boarding schools in Thailand. Students attend classes taught by qualified teachers and engage in various subjects such as mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and more. There may be additional emphasis on specific areas, such as Thai culture and history.


Study Time

Boarding schools usually allocate specific hours for study and homework completion. These dedicated study periods allow students to concentrate on their academic work, seek assistance from teachers if needed, and complete assignments.


Extracurricular Activities

Boarding schools in Thailand often offer a wide range of extracurricular activities to enhance students' holistic development. These can include sports, music, art, drama, debate, clubs, and other recreational pursuits. Participation in these activities helps foster teamwork, creativity, and personal growth.



Meals are typically provided within the boarding school's dining hall. Students gather together to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Boarding schools usually offer a variety of Thai and international cuisines to cater to different dietary preferences.


Supervision and Support

Boarding schools prioritize the welfare and safety of their students. There are usually resident staff members, such as dorm parents or housemasters, who oversee the students' well-being, ensure adherence to rules and regulations, and provide guidance and support when needed.


Weekends and Free Time

On weekends, boarding schools may have a different schedule with a more relaxed atmosphere. Students may have more free time to relax, engage in recreational activities, explore hobbies, and spend time with friends. Some schools may also organize weekend trips or outings for students to discover local attractions.


Cultural and Religious Observances

In Thailand, schools often incorporate cultural and religious practices into the daily life of students. For instance, there may be morning or evening Buddhist rituals, festivals, or ceremonies that students participate in.


It's important to note that while these aspects provide a general idea of daily life at boarding schools in Thailand, the specific routines, activities, and rules can vary between schools. It's advisable to research and reach out to specific boarding schools in Thailand to gather more detailed information based on your interests and preferences.